Ribbon cutting ceremony


Venly created and maintains a Member-Oriented Management System. That platform expands the impact of open source collaboration software for content & learning management built around MIT & Harvard’s Open edX.

For more than a decade, Venly has served as the Mary S. Peake Fellowship Development Team leading the pilot program to support each Fellow and other Community Ecosystem Navigators.

The name Venly comes from the Venn diagram at the intersection of community and technology in a user-friendly context.

Community Ecosystems

Industry ecosystem leaders, area-specific business associations, and higher ed institutions use Venly’s platform to help local businesses grow, create jobs, and strengthen each community served. These Ecosystem leaders, along with their suppliers, partners, and customers define their communities by:

Industry – Market category-driven value chains such as Food and Agricultural Wholesale Distribution ecosystems and related Standard Occupational Classifications (SOCs) such as Health and Safety Engineers.

Geography – Connected locations such as neighborhoods, towns, regions, and countries.

Demographic – Population connections such as Native American-owned Businesses in the Cheyenne River Reservation or Black-owned Businesses in West Virginia.

Topic – Interest groups such as teams working on Type 1 diabetes by region and demographic or more general topics such as health, safety, or cybersecurity.


Small & Local Businesses

Venly connects small & local businesses to a common exchange for collaboration and innovation. Community ecosystems grow by defining shared objectives and shared initiatives that are efficient, effective, and cybersecure.

Venly provides community ecosystems with AI & Big Data-powered capabilities that enable small & local businesses to apply their unique expertise. Specifically, Venly’s platform enables training and support across four tracks:

  1. Social media-based Outreach & Engagement.
  2. Ecommerce.
  3. Cloud-based Operations.
  4. Cybersecurity.


Peake Fellowship Applicants

Using Venly’s systems, the Peake Fellowship trains and certifies recent college graduates and returning veterans to work with business owners. Learn how to apply for a one-year Peake Fellowship.


“The Peake Fellowship, its platform, and its Venly development team help our businesses to innovate more effectively for cybersecure growth.”

Jeannie Hebert

Jeannie Hebert

President & CEO
Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce
Learn more about the Blackstone Valley’s progress with the Peake Fellowship here.