Client Results

  • FatemahIn the first six weeks after enrolling in the Venly Service, I had 20 new people reach out to me from my social media, and 7 became clients, which paid for the service immediately.”

    Fatemah Giahi, Owner, Valley Nutritional Counseling
  • adam"The store experienced double digit increase in sales this month. This has never happened before - I think it’s because of my Venly Fellow’s work on Google.”

    Adam Bailey, Owner, Off the Wall Games
  • johnI could tell the quality of Venly people the moment I walked into my consultation at the library. I trusted their coaching. So when my Fellow told me about Yelp, I was skeptical, but we went ahead and claimed my page together. A week later, I got a call for a $4,000 job from someone who was moving to the area and had found me on Yelp!”

    John Delmolino, Owner, Fine Interior Painting

Proven Impact

In a controlled case study of Adam’s two Cambridge (MA) restaurants, both restaurants earned 4 stars on Yelp, but one had the Venly service and one did not. The Venly client, Veggie Galaxy, experienced dramatically better results.
