In addition to her leadership as a co-founder of Venly, Andrea serves as President and CEO of Grameen America. Grameen America is the non-profit micro-finance bank started by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus, to help women who live in poverty build small businesses. Andrea spent 13 years as Avon’s first female Chair and CEO until 2012 and currently serves on the boards of Apple, Unilever, and Wayfair. Andrea is an authority on distributed resource networks and chaired the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations. She has also been a longtime international activist on women’s economic independence. Andrea believes that helping local businesses grow is the best and most fundamental way to create jobs. She gave Venly its name based on the way our Venn diagram brings together community and technology through talented recent graduates and returning veterans to help their local businesses and community institutions with a user friendly platform and service. Hence the name Venly for combining hi-touch and hi-tech. Andrea is fluent in Mandarin and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Princeton University with an AB in English Literature.